Wintry Wonderland
In the cemetery that is Madison Square Park, one will find an abundance of naked trees scattered between black fencing. Faded and rusty bars imprison these tall unfortunate creatures who stand there frozen and stunned. A harsh wind blows and their scrawny branches quiver, their rattling slightly smothered by the howling gust. Little movement can be found for happy birds and friendly squirrels are hiding from the frosty cold that has immersed itself over everything. However, in the midst of this wintry grave, strong silver beings stand unrelentingly against biting winds. They glow like fire against the night lamps and warm eyes watering from the stinging chill.
December 18th, 2007 at 10:46 am
Hi, who wrote this? I really enjoyed your blurb although I think your title “Wintry Wonderland” does not fit your descriptions of Madison Square Park being bitterly cold and having harsh, biting winds. My idea of a wintry wonderland is a place with snow, but is calm and pleasant. I like your contrast between the frosty cold and the fiery, glowing silver beings.
December 18th, 2007 at 7:14 pm
oops, i forgot about that category thing
anyhow i titled it wintry wonderland because i don’t like winter so i was trying to show how winter actually isn’t a wonderland
December 19th, 2007 at 8:48 pm
I pass by that park everyday and it doesn’t really feel like a park. I like that you called it a cemetary cus it feels dead everytime I walk through it. I don’t like winter either.
December 20th, 2007 at 2:24 am
I don’t understand why cemeteries get a bad rap… I understand that its a place of death and sorrow, but theres another way to look at it. It can be a place of peace and remembrance, a place for meditation and even joy. In spanish speaking countries they celebrate their dead at cemeteries.
December 20th, 2007 at 2:50 am
i guess that’s because that’s how they’re portrayed in movies. it’s always at night in a cemetery when the flesh eating zombies come out and there’s so many of them that it’s impossible to escape being eaten alive unless you’re superhuman like alice- i think that’s her name..?