Romance in the Subway Station
On an ordinary late night, I truly witnessed the idea that “Art is where you find it” in the Union Square subway station. As I descended the stairs to the platform, I heard music being played. When I got to the bottom, I saw a man in his sixties playing the accordion. A couple in their twenties slow danced in the open space in front of the accordion player. They slowly spun around in a circle as they whispered in each other’s ears. People paused to stare at them, but they acted as if they were in their own little ballroom. Moment later, another young couple joined in. I could not believe what I saw. Although the music coming out of the accordion was not even pleasant to the ears, I began to think that it was romantic sounding. The scene that I witnessed that night was beautiful and confirmed that art can indeed be found anywhere.
December 13th, 2007 at 10:59 pm
Interesting. I wish I would witness something like that.
Are you sure those two couples were not performing?
December 14th, 2007 at 3:12 am
Its like something out of a movie, the power of love
December 14th, 2007 at 7:31 pm
Romance is truly art
December 15th, 2007 at 12:58 am
That is kinda unusual to see a couple dancing to the musician in the subway. Usually, people just walk past them, but I’ve never seen anybody actually dance to the music, especially if it was bad music.
December 15th, 2007 at 6:26 pm
Wow! That is weird. Usually, New Yorkers are in a rush to get to where they’re going. LOL, maybe the dancers were tourists!
December 19th, 2007 at 12:14 am
This is kinda different from what normally happens. Most people just walk pass it or ignore it, especially if its bad. Maybe it was the first time the couple heard music in the train station.
December 19th, 2007 at 1:13 am
i agree with syed, it is like something out of a movie. i’ve always wanted something like that to happen. like you’re just sitting on a bus and one person starts singing “calling all angels” or something and eventually everybody on the train starts singing together. that would be so cool! it would be awesome if life was a musical..