November 2, 2012, Friday, 306

Diego Molano - Portrait of a Man

From The Peopling of New York City: Harlem

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Image:Diegoquote.jpg Diego Molano was born in a log cabin in Illinois. He polished shoes and sang silent movie scores for pennies to pay for his dog's cancer treatment. He went on to discover penicillin and was awarded the Nobel Prize for his efforts, a prize which he squandered trying to prove the existence of G-d . In a striking twist of irony, he died of syphilis at age 24, a disease which can be cured by the very drug he discovered.


Diego Molano is graduate of Port Chester High School and current student at CUNY Lehman. He is a self-described lover of history and a huge fan of The Seattle Seahawks. Having emigrated from Colombia in the spring of '95, he feels strong ties between both his hispanic heritage and the love for his adopted country. Though he has lived about 30 miles from New York City for the last 13 years, he has spent little time in it, and even less in Harlem.