November 2, 2012, Friday, 306

Kate's Profile--Sample Page

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Kate Hallgren, Lehman ITF

About Me

I am a graduate student in the History Program at the City University of New York. I am writing my dissertation about American women and World War I, especially focusing on propaganda aimed at convincing mothers to send their sons into the military. Not unlike some more contemporary conflicts, World War I was unpopular with the public until effective propaganda campaigns whipped up support for government policies, while laws restricted free speech.

World War I brought an end to a very creative time in American culture, when women were active in their communities, and when women's groups based their reforms on ideals of maternalism, or the extension of a mother's love from the private home to society and even the world. In the post-war period, psychologists and writers began to attack mothers as selfish, even smothering, especially threatening to their sons' masculinity. At the same time, mothers' nationalist groups began attacking immigrants, conscientious objectors, and Communists, while also supporting the growth of the American military. World War I was a short war for America, but one with a powerful effect on U.S. culture and politics.

Before going to graduate school, I worked as teacher of English as a Foreign Language in Krakow, Poland, an assistant to the assistants at Conde Nast Traveler magazine, a public relations assistant, and a cake, cookie and sandwich-slinger at Lucy's Cakes in Austin, TX.

I was born near Chicago, and spent my childhood in Ann Arbor, MI, Oak Park, IL, Santa Fe, NM, and Texarkana, TX. I even went to two different colleges--Wellesley College in MA and Rice University in Houston, TX. I've enjoyed living in NY for about ten years, and Brooklyn for seven, but will be moving to Washington, DC in June.

This is my first year as an ITF at the Macaulay Honors College.

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