Contemporary Profile

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Contemporary Profile

Astoria is part of Queens Community District 1 (often referred to as CD 1). The population has changed significantly over time and the community has become extraordinarily diverse. Its current demographics are the product of centuries of migration from other regions of New York as well as countries around the world. The data below indicates Astoria's large population and diversity.

Population by Age



Population by Race

Image:Demo1.JPG[3] Image:Demo5.JPG[4]


Return to Astoria or visit Astoria's Borders | Historic Overview | Immigrants in Astoria | Housing in Astoria | Interesting Facts | Explore Astoria | Testimonials of Residents | Conclusions


  1. "Astoria-City Profile." 26 Apr 2009 <>.
  2. "Housing/Population in Astoria." The Peopling of Astoria, Queens. 26 Apr 2009 <>.
  3. "Housing/Population in Astoria." The Peopling of Astoria, Queens. 26 Apr 2009 <>.
  4. "Housing/Population in Astoria." The Peopling of Astoria, Queens. 26 Apr 2009 <>.
  5. "Housing/Population in Astoria." The Peopling of Astoria, Queens. 26 Apr 2009 <>.
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