The Grace Episcopal Church

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The Grace Episcopal Church

    Grace Episcopal Church
Grace Episcopal Church [1]

Historical Overview

The Grace Episcopal Church has been in Jamaica since the year 1702. Throughout the years, the church has been built anew various times. The first “new church” or the second church, was named Grace Church and was opened on April 5, 1734, and was the official church of the British colonial government.[2] The church was made into a third one on May 21, 1861 and consecrated on January 8, 1863.[2] Various benefactors of the church, including the delegate mentioned before, Rufus King, as well as members of his family, made all these renewals possible. It is also within the church’s graveyard, where Rufus King is buried.

The Grace Episcopal Church Over Time[2]

    Grace Church 1734-1822
Grace Church 1734-1822

    Grace Church 1822-1861
Grace Church 1822-1861

    Grace Church since 1862
Grace Church since 1862


  1. “Grace Church(Episcopal).” <>
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "Grace Church(Episcopal)." NYCAGO. <>
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