The Prospect Cemetery

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Historical Overview

The Prospect Cemetery is the oldest cemetery located in Jamaica, and even in the entire borough of Queens. It is documented to be around since November 1668.[1] The cemetery was first known as the Presbyterian burial ground, and the church was said to own it. However, disputes between the state and the church as well as disputes within the different churches themselves, made it hard to actually know whom the cemetery belonged to. It’s not until the Prospect Cemetery Association of Jamaica Village, Inc. came to be in 1879, that the cemetery was actually owned by one entity, though it wasn’t until some time after their foundation. The Association resulted in the named Prospect to be first introduced, and thus giving the current name to the cemetery.[1] Over the years, the cemetery went through minor changes like the addiction of acres in 1856, addition of newer graves, and the renovation of the chapel. Although the cemetery is centuries old, it still is of great importance to Jamaica, because within its boundaries, it tells of the history of Jamaica, and the people who are buried there as a result of the different wars and epidemics which occurred within the area, over the years.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Prospect Cemetery Association, “Prospect Cemetery History,” 26 July, 2004, 18 Apr. 2009 <>
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