November 2, 2012, Friday, 306


From The Peopling of New York City


Binevitz 10020 Herman 10338 Miale 10215 Rosen 10263 Leibowitz 10279

Research Proposal I have decided to investigate the lives of slave owners during the eighteenth-century conspiracy in New York City. I found Jill Lepore’s “New York Burning” both an exciting and mysterious period of New York’s history. Beginning with the icy winter of 1741, Lepore sets a great image of Manhattan during the eighteenth-century that unites with her story. She advances on this image by describing the infrastructure of Manhattan and begins her story of the notorious slave plot, to destroy Manhattan. Lepore’s story captured my interest because it is the first history book that I have read which was told as a story rather than a whole collection of facts and dates that describes some period of history. The story made me feel as if I was reading a fiction novel of history. What made it different from any other novel was that some where in my head I knew that whatever she is saying is most probably true or it is true and many people failed to see it when the actual court cases and investigations of the slave plot took place. Given the opportunity to research and to investigate more thoroughly the lives of these slave owners will give me a better understanding of how people lived during that period of Manhattan history, it will improve my history facts about New York City, and who knows I might find something that Jill Lepore never mentioned in her book. Knowing that my knowledge of Manhattan and research skills will improve I hope to follow the lives of these ordinary people who lived here in the Americas before the revolutionary war. I believe this will help me learn more about American history than I know today.

By trying to understand how the people back then thought and what were their goals, as colonists of England or any other country will, maybe, help me to draw some new conclusions to how the revolution began here in the colonies. I believe my research can lead me to future generations of slave owners’ children who served as a British or American solider. And in a rare case I might find that a prominent person in history could have been the great grandchild of one of the slave owners in Manhattan during the conspiracy of 1741. The slave owners I chose to do my research came from the Appendix C of “New York Burning,” in alphabetical order. Stephen Bayard a Dutch merchant whose slave’s name was Ben. John Chambers an English lawyer whose slave’s name was Cuba. George Clarke an English lieutenant governor whose slave’s name was Barbara. John Cruger a Dutch merchant whose slave’s name was Deptford. Anthony Duane an English merchant whose slave’s name was Prince. Augustus Jay a French merchant whose slave’s name was also Ben. Mrs. Elizabeth Kiersted a Dutch woman whose slave’s name was Braveboy. Peter Marschalk a Dutch baker who had salves named London and York. Frederick Philipse a Dutch merchant whose slave’s name was Frank. Rip Van Dam a Dutch merchant whose slave’s name was John. Cornelius Van Horne a Dutch merchant whose slave’s name was kid. And Captain William Walton an English man who had slaves named Dublin, Fortune, and Jupiter.

Information on Trianlge fire victims

My research so far

I started my research at the New York Public Library, unfortunately for me I did not find much information. When looking through the 1910 census from a book it was horrible. There were so many names that look just like the persons I was looking for. So, I conclude that I will not go far with this and started looking through the New York Times archives. I found some articles and this picture:

Not finding much that day I stopped. In the following day Amy, my brother and I went to the Municipal Archives on Chamber St and found information on the death certificates of our people.

Abraham Binevitz was 30 years old man who was single and worked as a shirt maker at the Triangle shirtwaist factory. He was born in Russia and his parents names are Sam and Marian. According to the death certificate he lived in the Untied States and New York City for six years. His burial site is Mount Zion

Frances Mariole 21 years old, she was an operator, she lived in NYC for 5 yrs. Her father name was Nicolo and her mother's name was tirese she born Italy and buried at Calvary cem.

Loeb Rosen 33 years old she was an operator born: in Russia mother: Freida Father: Yank buried sect. mr Ocean view Cem.

Nettie Leibowitz she was an draper born in Romania, Mother: Bertrude Father: Soloman 1 1/2 years in NYC. buried in Menrefiare Spring field.

Some of the problems I faced during my search on the immigrants on web sites were that they keep telling you to join their website before you can look at any information. I hated that because every time I thought that I found something I was blocked off by the web site. Another problem I faced during the census search was horrible hand writing which made it difficult to find anything.