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Our New York City Tourist Guide

Falling for Dance.


To start this night out, I was pretty busy, so I was in a rush.  At one point, I thought I was actually going to miss the show, but luckily, I didn’t.  Anyways, once arriving at the theater, my expectations were extremely high.  There was a huge line outside the doors, and people were scalping (well, they just said they had extra tickets, but who can believe them) tickets, so it was obvious that the show would be very interesting to watch.

Three Movements was probably one of my favorite dance pieces.  Because the artists incorporated music and dance into one performance, I found it very interesting.  The only thing that was not appealing was the woman’s voice.  In my opinion, it was a little raspy, and she tried a little too hard to vibrate her voice.  Her dancing, however, made up for it.  I was impressed by how the tapping on the floor was mad so loud and clear.

The next piece, Red Angels, was, to say the least, interesting.  Firstly, I admired the bodies of both the male and female.  I remember when the other ballet dancer came in, and saw how defined her body was.  Though I was sitting far away from the stage, I could still see the definition of each muscle of both bodies, and this extremely caught my eye.  I could jut tell how much suffering each of them probably went through to achieve such an amazing body.  The dancing was also very smooth, and seemed flawless.

The third piece, Duet, was probably my least favorite.  To be honest, I started drowsing off during the performance.  It didn’t catch my attention, so I slowly drifted into a sleep.  The only things I got out of it was that it could depict a real life event.  Sorry for butchering this dance.

The final dance was definitely my favorite.  Though ID:Entidades can be portrayed as very random, with no real theme, I found that the most interesting part.  Because so much was going on at the same time, a viewer can turn his head, and watch a different performance.  The slow, graceful movements, by these very muscular men, just made dancing seem so much more like an art.  I have to say, the breakdancer, who was doing halo’s and windmills, along with flares, made those moves seem effortless, because of how quiet he was.  In my opinion, this piece was great, and I would love to follow them.

Overall, the dances were very satisfying to watch, and I could safely say that I would go again.  I just need a seat that’s more in the middle, so that I get more of a center view.  That’s just me.

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