Sexy Chicas XOXO shout out art

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This is Venus, oil on panel by Jan Gossart. This caught my eye instantly, not because she was naked but because she had some odd features as Venus. I always thought Venus as a symbol of beauty and femininity, but this Venus has muscles on her body. Her arm looks like a man’s arm, and she has six packs too. Her breasts rather seem artificial and it feels like they are in the wrong place. Also, her feet are very big and seem dirty because of the change in color. Unlike her body, her face represents beauty and youth with erotic overtunes. She is narcissistic, looking at the mirror and much satisfied with her beauty. She is slightly smiling as if she enjoys looking at her face. Or sometimes her face appears like she’s curious and thinking vigorously about something. Contrast to her brightening beauty, there is a fierce helmet at the bottom right side. At instant I thought maybe it’s her lover’s. It’s actually the helmet of Mars, suggesting that the god awaits her in the upstairs room for a lovers’ tryst. I think the painting can be more lively overall with other background color. Black seems too dull to represent Venus.

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