9/11 memorial cedurhurst

Just a few days ago, I attended a memorial service in my community for those who perished in the tragic attack on 9/11 just 10 years ago. It was truly a remarkable and moving sight to witness. People of all ages gathered together to commemorate those who lost their lives, while honoring those who risk their lives daily to protect us.

That morning driving in the car, the song “9/11 Heaven” began playing on the radio. It shot right threw my heart, leaving chills all over me. Moments later, I joined the families and individuals who lost their loved ones on that very day 10 years ago. Once again, my hair stood on end as the Chief of Law of the fire department read through a list of names of the deceased. It struck me repeatedly as they rung a bell after each name was called, bringing me back to the feeling I experienced that morning. Tears welded up in my eyes. Looking around at my community, joined as one, left a sense of hope in the air. Even though so many were lost, WE are still here to live on and remember them.

I am posting this video so you can experience how I felt at the moment.

2 thoughts on “9/11 memorial cedurhurst

  1. I am really touched by this video. I feel so sorry for the girl in this video. However, in the same time, I’m proud of her. She has grown stronger and stronger. I believe that her father in the heaven will be proud of her too. No matter what happen, we have to move on.

  2. The sadness and the pain are supposed to get easier, but as the days go past there is more and more that is lost. There were many heroes lost and many left behind.

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