Ana’s 9/11 Experience

Unfortunately, I was unable to successfully upload my video of Ana’s experience.

I will give a brief summary of what she shared with me.

Ana was eight years old and in the third grade on the day of the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center. She doesn’t remember much of the specifics, but remembers that she did have to leave school early. What was most memorable to her, on this day, was that she and her family ate at a diner that same night. She remembers hearing her parents discussing what had happened on that dreadful morning and being confused about the tense whispers. So instead of trying to engage in her parents tense conversation, she and her brother entertained themselves by reading about the presidents on their children’s placemats.

Because she was so young and didn’t live in the city, Ana had a completely different experience than of those who were old enough to understand what was going on and lived in the city.

One thought on “Ana’s 9/11 Experience

  1. Interesting how small details can become a permanent part of a memory. The presidents’ placemats will always have a special meaning for Ana!

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