
My friends and I were lucky enough to attain student rush tickets for VocaPeople for only $5.00 each. In the end, the show was well worth more than what we paid for.

The show was about eight aliens that landed in New York City from their home planet of Voca. Throughout the entire show, they try to give their rocket energy to return home by making music. All the music was a cappella and they sung a huge variety of songs from classics to oldies to movie soundtracks to current and popular house music all with only their voices and mouths to make sounds that sounded like instruments.

I couldn’t stop smiling and laughing while I was watching this cute little interactive show which I wasn’t expecting. They even made Rosie get up and she became part of the show! The overall feel of this comedic musical was comfortable and silly. It was meant to make you feel good and enjoy the show as it was. It was perfect for all age groups although, there were some parts that seemed not age appropriate for younger kids. But, I realized after that the kids wouldn’t have understood anyway.

Along with being in all white which made them look more comical, the VocaPeople each had their distinct funny traits that went with their voice types or “beatboxing” style. The characters ranged from lead beatboxer, Scratcher, who did just that, made scratching record sounds and the likes to, Bass, who had one of the lowest ranges I’ve ever heard in my life! It was amazing.

I recommend it to everyone! It’s a cute and feel-good show that will leave you humming and singing some of their catchy tunes on your commute back home.

One thought on “VocaPeople

  1. What I have seen of the Voca People on YouTube makes me very glad you did not pay more than $5 for the tickets. I’m sure it was fun, but imagine the plight of the poor people who have to perform this drivel night after night. Oi.
    I’m sure it was a lot of fun, especially watching Rosie get involved! All “art” and “culture” does not all have to be “serious!”

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