Edible Art

This photo does not belong to me, i found the picture at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_curry

How many times have you watched a television show on the Food Network, and have said to yourself “How can someone eat that? It looks like an art masterpiece!” Well soon enough, food will actually be a part of the artwork at a new exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art. Rirkrit Tiravanija’s “Untitled (Free/Still)” as of November 17th will be installed as an exhibit on the second floor of MoMA. This exhibit was originally titled “Untitled (Free)”, where as the gallery’s back office to the display space was moved in front, so the public could see how a dealer works. He then furnished the emptied office with a temporary kitchen — a refrigerator, cooking utensils, tables and chairs — and cooked Thai curry, giving it free to anyone who wanted it.

This exhibit will help absorb the art enthusiast into the art piece as more than just a viewer; but gives the art enthusiast the ability to taste the art, literally. People have always had a connection to food; we eat when we are happy, and we eat it when we are sad. Most celebrations usually result in some sort of feast commemorating the great evens that have passed. It is no surprise then, that such a medium, that surrounds everybody’s life, should be elevated to an expression of beauty captured in art. This art experience can be one of the few times that three of the five senses, taste, smell and sight, can all be satiated from the same masterpiece. I hope to go see this unique exhibit when it opens November 17th, if anyone would like to join me please let me know, just remember to bring a bib.



One thought on “Edible Art

  1. Very clever. I hope we can plan the trip to MoMA so that we get there in time to sample the art ourselves! (I wonder if they make a Kosher version!?)

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