New Art or Old Art…It’s All The Same

This Photo does not belong to me, though it can be found at

It is said that a classic is a piece of work that transcends time. A classic affects and belong to all generations, as many people relate and find meaning in an art piece that pre-dates themselves. With the ongoing outpouring of discontent with the economic situation currently in the U.S., the young, old and in between have gathered in Zucotti Park to “Occupy Wall Street”.

In the center of all the cries of economic woes, lies a sculpture that was made almost 50 years ago for a different protest. Mark Di Suvero’s ” has become the center of attention in Zucotti Park, as people use this sculpture to capture the attention of the crowd and to speak to the masses. This sculpture’s original intention was to symbolize the artist’s anti-war sentiment during the Vietnam War. Just like the protests of the Vietnam War, the “Occupy Wall Street” protest founded its roots in the grievances of the youth.

Recently, “Joie de Vivre,” has been barricaded because of the protestors that use it as a platform. In response to this barrier, protesters have reached out to the artist to allow his artwork to be liberated for use of the “Occupy Wall Street” cause.

Although it would seem that no great art has yet to emerge from “Occupy Wall Street”, maybe it is not needed. Art is meant to transgress the chains of time and space, and to find meaning in all generations. People still watch Operas and concertos from centuries ago and yet they still find entertainment and meaning in it. Maybe it isn’t so strange then, that we find the people of “Occupy Wall Street” using music and art from before they were born to help the cause they are fighting for. The opportunity that Mark Di Suvero is being poised with is one I would think most artists dream of. Instead of his sculpture being a thing of the past, it will now be able to effect today’s generation and have a possible ripple effect on the generation of tomorrow.


If anyone is gong to Zucotti Park anytime soon, I recommend looking out for the sculpture that has surpassed time.

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