8 Week Syllabus: I Want to Believe – Probability, Alien Life, and Exoplanets

Course Description

Humans have always asked are we alone? We were fascinated with the unknown and what creatures lurked in the far away corners of the map and behind the stars. It was not until recently until we as a species had the technology to really intensify and standardize our search. In this course we exploring both the real and fictional search for aliens by humans. From popular television shows to NASA’s real life exploratory missions, students will learn the methodology and the science behind searching for alien life as well as the philosophical implications and other ramifications of being successful in our search.

The long running science fiction television show, The X-Files, will introduce us to aspects that represent the struggles of looking for aliens as well what exactly do we expect or desire to see from our intelligent relatives from across the universe. And what does that say about our own desires and nature.

Week 1: Introduction to Exoplanets

 NASA, in the first part of this web series about exoplanetary science, tells us of the history of exoplanets. From the very first one 1995, to the Kepler telescope’s current finds.  The 5 methods of discovery, radial velocity, transit, gravitational microlensing, direct imaging, and astrometry are all explained. In addition, NASA provided their data on how many planets have been discovered through each method. t It also details the limits and constraints the current technologies have.

Although slightly outdated (NASA archived this page), this web page does contain the aims of exoplanet research. The main takeaway is to find how rare or typical earth is and explicitly what are our goals and aims of searching for exoplanets. The third “reading” is an interactive online atlas that shows artistic representations of exoplanets along with some of their properties. It can be downloaded here.

Another interactive bit is on zooinverse.com on their Planet Hunters site. Planet Hunters will give students the opportunities to participate in this exciting world of astronomy from the relative comfort of home. It also contains miniature lessons that explain in an accessible way more about the transit method of exoplanet discovery.


Week 2: Searching for Aliens and Habitable Zone                                                                      

 The Drake Equation and the Seager Equation

Both of these readings are mathematical guesses written by scientist that try to quantify humanity’s chance of detecting life on other planets. Looking at both, it’s important to note the differences in both Drake’s and Seager’s approaches. The takeaway here is how much h of a chance do we have of finding life if it’s out there.

 Intro to the Habitable Zone

These lecture notes from a professor at the University of Maryland provide an excellent introduction to how we define the habitable zone. He also goes into what are some of the detractions of having such a limited definition of what it means to be habitable. Some of his concerns were addressed in Seager’s development of her own equation.


Are we even looking in the right place?

This video and its sourced material from this peer reviewed articles apply the law of averages to help us inform our search.  Developing from the fact that the Earth is our only data point, we can expect that we are a member of the largest type of intelligent population. But a typical intelligent life form wouldn’t be like us. The article explores instead what a “typical” intelligent life might look like.

This is a cool interactive calculator that determines the habitable zone of any star depending on the specifications that you give it. It is a good illustrative of how much the habitable zone moves as the star become brighter and larger over its lifespan.

Week 3: Astrobiology

Astrobiology: Exploring Life in the Universe by Lewis Dartnell Rosen Publishing Group 2011 New York, New York 1st Edition

It’s an introduction to the emerging field of astrobiology. Dartnell gives some basic geological, and biological requirements for what astrobiologist would consider habitable planet. The whole book really is required reading. Particular focus should be put on the Exo-Solar and habitable zone chapters as they elaborate on what conditions habitability is based on and gives possibilities on what life should look like outside our solar system.


Week 4: Extremophiles


 Using the new understanding from last week’s reading, we are now equipped to understand at the extremes that life can exist at. This presentation is from an astrobiology conference by a group of biologists that are proposing an extension to the habitable to include temperature ranges that are known to harbor extremophile life on earth.

This article really focuses more on verifying the panspermia theory. The panspermia theory hypothesizes that life originated somewhere else in the galaxy and was transported to Earth by a meteorite. The authors discovered that very small populations of extremophiles could survive the extremely unhospitable conditions involved with being launched into and traveling through space, as well as crash landing on another planet. The hardiness that is demonstrated by this study opens up many possibilities to the harsh conditions that these simple lifeforms could withstand. Their resilience means that although they would be hard to detect, life could be on many more “unhospitable” planets than previously thought.

The X-Files season 4 episode, “Tunguska”, deals with some elements of the panspermia theory. Alien bacteria is found on a meteorite and it turns out to affect humans in a very dramatic way. The name the ensuing disease the “black virus.” Ironically enough, the show got it right that some bacteria could survive the perilous journeys between planets. It derived inspiration from a real-life meteorite, ALH84001, whose surface contained bacteria-esque features and excited the scientific community for some time.

Week 5: How Common is Intelligent Life?

Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe by Peter Ward and Donald Brownlee

This extremely long and dry book is a really good look at the counter arguments for the theory of plenitude Brownlee and Ward develop a veritable laundry list of conditions they believe are necessary for life to form based on how life developed on Earth. It’s easy to see how they arrive at their conclusion given the sheer amount of requirements they feel are potentially needed. This argument flies in the face of our society’s attitude that life like us is definitely out there and within reach.

Week 6: How Common is Life For Real?

Probability 1 by Amir Aczel

The serves as a counter argument to Rare Earth, Aczel a mathematician arrives as the complete opposite conclusion than Ward and Brownlee. He goes into how life developed on Earth like them a determines that complex life must be out there. Reading both really shows how both parties think. From a math/probability/astronomy perspective on the odds of life and from a geological/biological perspective.


Week 7: How Do We Fit In?

The Copernicus Complex by Caleb Scharf

This book discusses how we view our place in the universe. Scharf explores how our models and understanding of the universe has changed over time and how they reflect humanity’s changing perspective of our role in the universe It is a fantastic introduction to the cosmological principle and the principle of mediocrity. After reading rare earth and Probability one we are equipped to understand the middle ground between the two positions.


Week 8: Seriously, where do we belong in the universe?

Lonely Planets by David Grinspoon

He brings up the concept of Earth bias, even after all the years of us generally accepting that we do not have a central place in the universe Earth still shows up as a central component in our search for life elsewhere. This books seeks to bridge the gap between science current state and its origins that were grounded in natural philosophy. He tries to flesh out questions like: What will it mean find intelligent life out there, or what if we never find anything more than microbial aliens.


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