Web MD or Human MD?
Attribute-Based Chat
Note: the formatting is slightly off on one slide, as it is meant to be two columns. When downloaded, it should display correctly.
Superkids- Fall 2016 presentation
Hip Hop Feminism: Fall 2016 Final Presentation
(only the first 3 slides)
Stigmatization of Mental Illnesses
Harley’s History: One Villain, Three Origins, Endless Problematic Narratives
Please click on the powerpoint download link to be able to watch embedded video and view notes for each slide. If unable to do so, the following are the links to the original YouTube videos on Slides 2 and 4, respectively:
(Watch from 4:50 until 6:00)
(Watch from 0:55 to 2:03, from 4:55 to end)