Act 1 Storyboard




Dee welcomes the audience and gives a brief introduction. She explains that the play will tell her story in a series of flashbacks, beginning from her diagnosis at age 2 to her current life as an adult.


Scene 1:

Act 1 Scene 1: Dee’s parents begin to realize that Dee is not as responsive to sound and speech. Out of concern, they book an appointment with a pediatric audiologist.

Act 1 Scene 1b: Dee offers her perspective on her parents’ reaction


Scene 2:

Act 1 Scene 2: Dee’s family has their visit with the audiologist and learn that a dose of anti-virals caused Dee to suffer permanent hearing loss. The audiologist offers the family a slew of options and treatments, leaving Dee’s parents overwhelmed.
Act 1 Scene 2b: Again Dee offers her adult perspective, explaining how overwhelming the information can be and recognizes her parents’ composure and poise.


Scene 3:

Act 1 Scene 3: Back at home, Dee’s parents begin looking over the information from the audiologist and are interrupted by the opinions and suggestions of their family and friends, including Dee’s grandmother and Ma’s friend.

Act 1 Scene 3b: Dee’s perspective–Dee acknowledges how difficult this choice was for her parents, deciding what, if any, intervention plan they would try to work on with Dee. She applauds their support and open-mindedness in this time.


Scene 4:

Act 1 Scene 4: After a follow up appointment, Dee’s family determines the extent of her hearing loss and they come a decision about some of the intervention they will try.
Act 1 Scene 4b: Dee’s perspective–Again she discusses her recollection of this event, though vague, and some of the impacts from this choice. She talks about the choices that her parents made during the first few months after her diagnosis.


Act 2 Storyboard

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Scene 1:

Act 2 Scene 1: Dee prepares for her first experience in a mainstream environment as a preschooler. She is nervous as are her parents.
Act 2 Scene 1b: Dee, being a bit older at this time, recalls this day as she prepared for a new environment and experience.


Scene 2:

Act 2 Scene 2: On her first day, Dee is met with confusion and fear .She struggles to keep up with what is happening in the classroom.
Act 2 Scene 2b: Dee’s perspective–With a sense of sadness, Dee remembers this first time of overwhelming confusion and notes that this will happen many more times in her life.


Scene 3:

Act 2 Scene 3: Just a few weeks later, Dee’s parents meet with the classroom teacher at the mainstream school and learn that Dee is struggling to follow along in the class. She is not interacting well with other students; they are told to consider other options for Dee.

Act 2 Scene 3b: Dee’s perspective–Dee recognizes her parents’ disappointment at their failed attempt to achieve “normalcy.” They had thought that this environment would be best for Dee and the  family has whole, but being forced to reconsider they ended up at the right place.


Scene 4:

Act 2 Scene 4: Through some research, Dee’s family finds a total communication School of the Deaf that will teach both Sign Language and spoken English. They take Dee to the school and immediately feel relieved and welcomed into the community.

Act 2 Scene 4b: Dee’s perspective–She recalls feeling safe and welcomed at this school on her visit. And the moment her parents and she both recognized that this was the right fit for her and her needs. It was a moment of great relief and excitement for the future.


Scene 5:

Act 2 Scene 5: Dee attends her first day at a School for the Deaf. She seems much more comfortable. Later in the scene, the action moves forward to a preteen Dee who is excelling academically and socially. The audience is introduced to some of the customs and expectations of this school environment.
Act 2 Scene 5b: Dee’s perspective–She reflects back on a specific moment at this school, when she received her first straight A report card. She recalls the hard work and countless hours of studying it took to earn those marks.


Scene 6:

Act 2 Scene 6: This is Dee’s high school graduation. She was chosen as the student speaker. As her parents and teachers beam with pride, Dee delivers her speech and announces her move to college.

Act 2 Scene 6b: Dee’s perspective–After revisiting this moment of her high school graduation, Dee describes this day as the “proudest” moment of her life.


Act 3 Storyboard

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Scene 1:

Act 3 Scene 1: Dee heads off to college. She is excited about the independence and freedom of living away from home, but her parents are concerned about what the future holds for their daughter.

Act 3 Scene 1b: Dee’s perspective–She admits that she was a bit scared too. Despite the smiles and shrugs at her parents, Dee was nervous about a new environment and the possible struggles she would encounter.


Scene 2:

Act 3 Scene 2: A few vignettes from Dee’s life at college. Some showcase her successes and others portray the struggles she had to adjust to. Overall, she learns to advocate for herself and to not put limits on herself.
Act 3 Scene 2b: Dee’s perspective–She discusses some of the most important lessons she took away from her years at university. Namely, she was the only stopping herself from doing her best.


Scene 3:

Act 3 Scene 3: The audience see current-day Dee in her workplace, acting a Deaf advocate and providing sources to other members of the Deaf community. She is successful and most importantly, happy.


Scene 4:

Act 3 Scene 4: Dee delivers her final monologue, concluding the show by asking the audience to think about their “stories.”