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Honors Overseas

Posted by: | September 11, 2009 Comments Off on Honors Overseas |

Honors Overseas: Ecology and Conservation in Ecuador/Galapagos

Have you ever seen blue-footed boobies? Ever wondered what dawned on Darwin as he observed the giant tortoise? Come study evolution, ecology, and conservation in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. Participate in the Winter Honors Overseas Course: Ecology and Conservation in Ecuador and the Galapagos.

This unique study abroad program is sponsored by CUNY’s College of Staten Island. Students in the sophomore year and higher are eligible to apply. Click the flyer below for more information. Applications are due by October 8.

Honors Flyer Ecuador/Galapagos

Syllabus: Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Ecuador/Galapagos

Blue Footed Booby

Blue Footed Booby

Honors Application

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