As promised by the 2005 rezoning, the city promised to create Bushwick-Inlet Park, a 28 acre waterfront public space. Proposed $100 million renovation included a soccer and softball field, a visitor’s center, a boathouse, a museum, memorial plaza, community center, and performance space. Despite the city’s grand plans for the area, the city did not own all of the land; rather six different corporations owned the land. Today the city has only been able to acquire 2 of the 6 parcels of land needed. Furthermore only the soccer field has been completed.
Prior to getting one the parcels of land, the city had to fight TransGas coporation for the area as they wanted to make a power plant in the area. TransGas proposal was denied twice, the last time on January 17, 2010.
Important Dates
– 2005: Rezoning of Williamsburg-Greenpoint passed with a promise for Bushwick Inlet park
– 2007: Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park was formed to advocate for the park; TransGas went to court to fight for power plant
-2009: Due to the recession City pushed the date for the park’s completion from 2011 to 2013; Appellate Court ruled that TransGas had no right to build the power point
– January 2010: Court of Appeas refused to hear TransGas proposal; Soccer field opened to public