To post on this website, you need to have an eportfolio account and add yourself to this site.
Don’t have an eportfolio account? Sign up for one here. Email your ITF for the passcode. Check “Just a username, please.” You may set up your own eportfolio later if you like.
After you’ve set up an account and added yourself to our website, be sure to change your password and fill out the “Profile” section. To do so, on Dashboard, click your name (after, “Howdy, ___”) on the top right of the page.
There are two places that you can publish your content on the site: 1. posts and 2. pages. On this site, we will be using posts for your walking tour reflections and pages for your research.
Walking Tour a.k.a. Fieldnotes Posts
When writing posts, go to Posts > Add New. Be sure to assign an appropriate category, listed on the right. For example, if you are writing about Chinatown, check the corresponding category. This will ensure that your posts appear under “Fieldnotes” section of whichever neighborhood you are writing about.
Research Pages
Each neighborhood group will publish the items listed below on their designated page. An existing page (example: Pages > Chinatown > Research) has already been created for each group. Please use that as a starting point.
a) maps
b) population statistics
c) newspaper clippings
d) historical/archival material
e) photos
f) whatever you like as well
You may also add sub-pages to your Research page as you go along. To do this, simply create a new page and assign a “Parent” (example: Chinatown > Research).
As a group, you should discuss how you’d like to organize your page so as to be able to keep track of your material as it grows over the course of the semester.
WordPress–which hosts our Eportfolio system–has created video tutorials for some of the basics. If you need a refresher, check these out:
Writing and publishing a post
Saving and returning to draft posts & pages
Adding an “About Me” (or any other static) page
Adding categories and tags to your posts
Embedding photos, video & audio into your posts
To embed an audio file like the one below in a Post or Page, use the Podpress function, located at the bottom of the edit page, below the editor’s box.
Here’s how:
Upload the audio file you want to embed by using the “Add Media” button above the editor box (NOT the one that says “Add Media File” below.
Copy the URL of the audio file provided.
Scroll down to the podPress function. Click “Add Media File.
Paste the audio clip URL into Location and provide a Title.
Type [display_podcast] in the space where you want your clip to appear.