I.B.M.’s “Think” Exhibition

A trend that I have noticed in many current exhibitions is the theme of technology. In a previous post I discussed MoMA’s “Talk To Me.” The New York Times Article “Data as Art, as Science, as a Reason for Being” by Edward Rothstein describes the I.B.M. “THINK” exhibit.  This exhibit, according to the arcticle, showcases the different technologies of the company’s past and its ideas for the future. It uses numerous screens to show off diffent things about I.B.M. and technology. It is in Lincoln Center from September 23 to October 23 and is free but requires tickets for timed sessions.

Rothstein’s review of the exhibition is effective because it first describes the exhibit, telling the audience what it is about, then goes on to critique it. He offers suggestions of things it could have done better. He does make the point that the exhibition is sh. His critique gives off the impression that the exhibit didn’t live up to its potential but it was still very good. Although the review sugeested some weak aspects of the exhibition, it did make me feel intrigued about it.

8 thoughts on “I.B.M.’s “Think” Exhibition

  1. Do you think that as we progress further in technology, that the technological theme will continue to persist? Will there be a point when technology will no longer feel novel since it is so intertwined in our lives?

  2. This exhibit sounds very interesting and I would like to see it . I am interested in seeing the differences of the technology in the past to those in the future.

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