Operas and Plays

Operas and plays are in general quite different from each other. With the The Barber of Seville, the two have some differences despite having the same general plot and story line. There are only minor scene differences between the two versions. One major difference is that of the character Figaro. He seems to have “opposite” personalities in the play version and in the opera version. It turns out, Figaro plays a much larger role in the opera than in the play. Figaro also attracts much more attention that usual. The opera version even contains an extra scene just for Figaro. He is more important throughout the opera than in the play where he was just helping the plot. Figaro in the opera can even be said to be the spotlight of it with so much attention focused on him. Another big difference was the end with the marriage contract. In the opera, it was much more dramatic rather than just a threat.

Both versions were quite entertaining even with the differences. The play had its interesting points while the opera had its as well. It was fascinating to see two different versions of the same piece.

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