Shakespeare A Fraud?!

Roland Emmerich, director of Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow, and 2012, is coming out with a new movie called Anonymous. This movie brings up the controversy around Shakespeare’s writing. Was he the one who actually wrote all those plays and sonnets? Or did he steal them from someone else like Emmerich’s movie says? This movie pulls away Shakespeare’s reputation and pushes doubt into people’s mind, especially since no one knows what happened in that period and can only base their ideas on recorded text.

I came across this movie from’s ad. At first I paid no attention to it, thinking it was just another movie trailer, but then I saw that it was about Shakespeare. Learning about Shakespeare throughout my high school years and reading his plays, I was curious to see what kind of movie could one make about Shakespeare! (Not that I hated him or anything.) After watching the trailer though, I was amazed and excited for it to premiere Friday, October 28, 2011. What made me really want to watch this movie was that it made me think about what had happened during Shakespeare’s time and whether or not he wrote all those plays and sonnets.

For those of you who have not seen the trailer yet here you go!

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About Sharon Lin

Hi! My name is Wai-yu Lin, but I go by the name Sharon. I love going to different places, trying different foods, and meeting new people. I like to cook and swim on my free time. I enjoy watching television shows and Asian dramas.

8 thoughts on “Shakespeare A Fraud?!

  1. I had heard a couple times about how Shakespeare actually stole his work but never really thought much of it. I can’t wait to see the movie

  2. I too can’t wait to see the movie. There is a large debate as to whether or not Shakespeare really wrote his own play and I would really like to see the movie’s take on it.

  3. Hey Sharon, I’m also very excited about this movie. Speculations and doubts about the identity of Shakespeare have existed for a long time but nothing has been proven so far. This should be interesting!

  4. I saw the trailer and it really captivated me! I’ve always heard of these rumors where it isn’t really Shakespeare that wrote these amazing plays and it’s so cool how there’s a movie based after it! I hope this movie is worth my $13.50!

  5. This movie definetely sounds interesting but is there any actual proof that shakespeare didn’t write the plays or is this movie just a theory about what really happenned? either way i’m planning on watching this movie i just hope its good.

  6. I’m pretty sure I’m going to watch this movie. Rotten tomatoes gives it a pretty high score. Although I don’t know my position in this debate – i would like to see how the director goes with this idea.

  7. I’ve heard of the conspiracies concerning Shakespeare’s work, but never thought that they bore any actuality. As Ngawong said, I question the validity of the claims, but am open to the possibility of Shakespeare’s fraudulence. I really want to see how the movie pans out!

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