I’ll have my stereotypes with a side of ignorance.

Racism always existed from the times when people enslaved one another. It grew from a means of differentiation into a means of generalization. Racism categorized people based on their physical features and common culture. But now it has evolved into a method in which people group negatively associate a group of people with bad habits or traits.

When someone sees racist’s comments being spread, I just see more ignorance. People are commonly associating Asians with social inadequacy and academic vigor. “If he is Asian, he must be…” Even if some stereotypes my night were offensive by itself, Generalizing a race, or group is. It is not politically correct, since people are assuming facts and applying preconceived notions to a person prior to their meeting. Stereotypes do not define a person

Racism through stereotyping is prevalent in mainstream media as well. For some reason, society finds it acceptable to have crude humor in movies and tv shows, yet when it is discussed among casual conversation. Racist comments become taboo. Also what allows one race from discriminating on its own? How is that any less wrong than any other race discriminating him or her? Discrimination is wrong on all levels. It should not be tolerated.

In a society that is trained to make guesses and jump to conclusions, I automatically assumed that David Henry Hwang’s Chinglish was about immigrants with broken English. It is nothing like it’s title. The production is one-quarter in mandarin. It breaks any preconceived ideas about the Chinese. His production costs is about $3.5 million to which is high and especially of a commercial. It’s risky bet on something that may be lucrative.  Hwang’s production contradicts any assumptions that one might arrive at about plays performed in a foreign language.

Mankind doesn’t look outward for opportunities to aid the races in need. Rather, man prefers to degrade and laugh at others and repeat such a vicious cycle of discrimination that needlessly exists.


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