The Importance of Culture

The best way to learn about new cultures and traditions is to interact with them, which is why its important for each person to know where they came from. The city of New York is a great example. Everyday, New Yorkers are exposed to so many different people. We hear different languages on the subway, eat cultural foods in Manhattan, and watch cultural performances, such as Chinglish.

My high school was very diverse so I had the opportunity to learn about different people. One of my best friends was Chilean, so I learned a lot about his heritage when I went to his house. I ate Chilean food and saw Chilean works of art that his mother had. I learned a lot more about his culture than I would have if I had read about it in a book. Another one of my good friends was Indian, so going to her house taught me a lot about Indian culture.

Another good way to learn about different cultures is visiting all the different museuums that New York City has to offer. Some that come to mind are the Museum of the American Indian, and the Jewish Museum.

One problem that occurs when people are exposed to new cultures is stereotyping. Stereotyping is applying one person’s characteristics and behavior to a whole group. Stereotypes can be extremely hurtful. One way to prevent stereotypes is to meet many different people from many different cultures and learn about them.

Being familiar with different cultures wil not only make you a smarter individual, but will aslo help you succeed. People in the business world value workers who can speak several languages and who are familiar with foreign customs. We should all strive to be more open minded and learn more about cultures that we are not familiar with.

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