Creating Custom Menus (and/or reordering pages) on your own ePortfolios

I was just explaining to someone how to (re-)order pages on your own ePorfolio site, and I wanted to share this info. with everyone.
If the theme you are using supports a “custom menu,” you can create a custom menu through the dashboard (go to “Menus” under “Appearance” in the lefthand column).  To do this, you will need to:

1.  Input the “menu name” and then click “Create Menu.”
2.  Then you can add any pages or categories you want to the menu through that interface.  You can then drag and reorder the pages/categories within the menu (even creating subpages, by indenting them).
3.  Make sure to click “save” at the bottom of the menu after any changes.
4.  Make sure that you have the site set to display the menu you created (under the “Primary Site Menu”).

Custom menus are great!  But if you don’t want to use them (or if you theme doesn’t support them), you can go back and edit each page and order them under “Page Attributes” (the box under the “Publish” box – you will likely have to click that section to get the full box to expand/show you the options).  You can also designate “Parent” pages and create subpages that way.

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