How to Upload Video Content

First you need to upload video file to YouTube.
In order to upload video content to YouTube, you will have to sign in with either a YouTube or Google account. There is an “upload” button at the top right of the YouTube homepage (you can sign in from there too, or create an account). If you sign in with a Google account, you will then be instructed to created a YouTube account (or link your existing YouTube account – if you already have one – to your Google account). Once signed in, you can upload video by clicking “upload” and searching for files on you computer.
[Getting the YouTube Video onto the Blog]
Once your video is uploaded to YouTube, you can simply copy the content listed in the “embed” tab (not the “URL” tab) that is listed to the right of the screen (when you have the video open in YouTube). Paste the “embed” content into the post just like any other “Link.” When writing a post on the blog, switch to “HTML view” (the default is “visual”) and paste the embed content there. The “HTML” button is to the right of the editing buttons. As soon as the content is pasted, switch back to “visual” mode and continue the post (nothing else should be done in HTML mode unless you are comfortable with editing HTML). The video will then play directly in the post and will hardly take up any server space on the blog.

Assign Reminder for 9.7

Just to recap for what you are working on before class Wed. We want to immerse ourselves in the website from the get go. This is our playground. Allow youself to become comfortable moving around website categories, posting, adding images and conversing with each other.
1. Post you “Intro” with photo.(getting to know each other)
2. Post under “Art Talks” your comaprison of how Lahiri and Foer invoke remembrance in their stories. (critical thinking)
3. Post under “I remember” a personal story that either novel/novelist sparks in you. (inspirational)

We do different types of arts writing both critical and creative. They fuel each other. Have a look through assignments page, where each is laid out.


That’s me in London outside the Royal National Theatre before show time. I met up in merry ol’ England with a bunch of friends from grad school who teach in the UK and Ireland.

Yep. I go to the theatre a lot, and really like to travel. I’m from New York—grew up in Bayside, Queens, then Great Neck, Long Island, and now reside in Manhattan. My family has deep ties to Little Italy downtown, where my father grew up and grandparents ran a bar and restaurant on Mulberry Street. The old neighborhood holds special place in my life because I spent so much time there as a child. The taste of homemade pasta always reminds of my grandmother’s cooking.

My home here at Baruch is the Fine and Performing Arts Department. I delight in being a theatre professor because I’m living my dream to study and teach the arts and culture. I can’t imagine doing anything else. Well, I do enjoy other things. Swimming is one. Outdoor activities are another. I follow sports, especially baseball. Go Yankees! My summer realty TV addition was the dance competition So You Think You Can Dance. Something else I can share is that I’m a vegetarian. I do eat diary but no meat or fish. Of course, I indulge in the junky side of eating. Anyone for Cheez-Its?