Work Like a New Yorker, Party Like a Tourist


New York City is one of those places that cant really be explained to someone. Each and every individual knows New York in a different way, some more positive than others. New York is a multitude of things, its a feeling, its a mindset, its a filthy wasteland, its a gold paved kingdom, and to many its a way of life.es_city_night        Tribute in LightKenneth T. Jackson mentions in his essay that there are 3 types of New Yorkers, those who are natives who take for granted, commuters who pass through New York for a sole purpose and those who were born elsewhere but set out for NYC in sight of something. Although i do agree with Jackson on these 3 types i also believe there is a fourth… a fourth New Yorker that comprises a part of each of the 3. Being born in Brooklyn and being taken grocery shopping and to different events in the city as a child, and later on shopping and eating  in the city as a teen I do sometimes forget that such a place is not accessible to everyone. Being born a 35 minute train ride from the city rather than in a loft in soho i am also a commuter and a fairly new one at that. I now go to college in the city which has disciplined me in sense and I am slowly integrating into the bustling NYC daily life. I also believe i represent the 3rd New Yorker because i am indeed on a quest of sorts, to obtain an education, with the hopes of becoming a successful lawyer.


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Often my friends will make fun that I’m like a tourist in my own city by the different suggestions i propose when we hang out and by the pictures I take but if you become too caught up on being a native and not allow yourself to explore at all you truly are closing yourself off to many things you may never get the chance to encounter anywhere else. 

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