Wait…Opera isn’t boring?

Initially when I were to even hear the word “Opera” I automatically associated it with confusion and boredom, but while reading The Magic Flute i was pleasantly surprised. Since this is my first time reading an Opera, I have nothing to compare it to, but from reading the synopsis I was thoroughly entertained. The story reminded me of Greek mythology which gave me a sense of exhilaration. The opera had character development, a complex plot, various songs, plot twist and a great deal of conflict which is conducive to a great story.

After reading the synopsis in its entirety, i found myself recalling much of the story line. In the opening scene Tamino was being attacked by a serpent and fainted, the 3 Ladies ( I believe are witches) severed the snake and saved his life. When Tamino woke, he found Papageno, a bird catcher who claimed he killed the serpent. When the 3 ladies returned Papageno was punished for telling lies and given water instead of win, and he was rendered a mute. The 3 ladies then introduced Tamino to a picture of Pamina, the Queen’s daughter. Tamino came to learn that Pamina had been stolen from her mother by Sarastro, an evil demon. Tamino ventured out with Papageno in attempt to save Pamina. Papageno did successfully locate her. Plot twists occurred when the reasoning as to why Sarastro captured Pamina was revealed and Tamino was punished. Both Tamino and Papageno could not speak to the ones they each loved, creating much inner conflict.

All in all the Opera synopsis has me counting down the days until this performance. My only fears are that the language barrier and inconvenience of having to read subtitles will ruin my overall experience. Regardless, I am very much intrigued by Opera and am very excited for what awaits!

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