by Ariana Campbell
THE CLOCK NEVER STRIKES SIX, because time is frozen. Time is frozen and the clocks are melting. The stopwatch mirrors the frozen time. But only the watch has stopped, not actual time.
Is time really frozen or am I at the end of the road, the end of my journey, my new home? What’s the difference between frozen time and death, or is frozen time what death is?
Every moment someone dies, his/her “clock” melts away. For the survivors, time is temporarily frozen in reminiscence of the lost soul. But what about those people who will one day reach their ends and no one is alive to remember them? Their memories and their presence will be forever lost.
Eventually, we start to wonder if those lives ever congeal. So, might I ask: just how persistent is memory and is memory based on true interaction or mere acquaintance?
*Inspired by Salvador Dalí’s The Persistence of Memory