I am
Texting, smiling, my heart all warm inside
I lie in bed hoping time will stand still
I don’t want to leave; I want to stay forever
Eyes drooping, I text goodnight sending all the love, and I drift off to sleep
I’m awaken by the sounds of birds in a meadow
I smell the sweet wet grass; just like a little kid, I run around in the meadow
I see you standing there, smiling
Excited as I am, I run into your arms and lay on the grass, holding you so close
I’m taken to a new world; I’m a little scared
I don’t see you there, looking around frantically
I explore this world, but I just want you here
I close my eyes and just imagine that you are here
10 am
I open my eyes
I check my surroundings and I realize I’m no longer dreaming
I turn around on my bed and there my good morning text pings
A long-awaited message from my love
Smiling, I text back, and start my day fresh, excited to keep you company soon
I love you to infinity and beyond