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Too Late

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by Matthew Spataro The path ahead was clear to see But now it is a memory Fading fast from the corners of my mind Our… Read More »Too Late


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by Matthew Spataro Blood running fast Smiles on our face Laughter lost in the wind Hearts in the right place The sound of our footsteps… Read More »Starlight

in media res

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by Jessica Kraker you’ve heard the phrase “poetry in motion” seen the posters in subway cars trying to inspire the masses with paltry, pithy perspectives… Read More »in media res

The Hike

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by Michelle Coleman I tend to climb high hills on particularly pensive evenings in order to get a glance of your view from the heavens,… Read More »The Hike

The Couch

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by Michelle Coleman It never would have fit into the lift You lugged it up the stairs with a big smile Made love on soft… Read More »The Couch