About Tomasz L. Wasik

Since I was young, I have always paid attention to the little details people seemed to ignore. I noticed the small streams people pass by, the flowers growing in the field, and the way the leaves settle on the ground. I always felt comfortable in nature, since it offered some majestic tranquility to the city and other places I love. I always like to envision such settings as picturesque. Unfortunately, I was never introduced to a camera powerful enough to capture the moments the way I wanted. Because I was not able to depict things as other photographers did, photography frustrated me. In April 2008, my friend Alicja introduced me to an excellent camera that enabled me to capture all of those moments just the way I wanted to. Since then, I have been inseparable from that camera and I take photos everywhere. These photos last forever, reminding me of everything I have seen; I can remember everything from a small flower on the side of a forest trail to the gridlocked traffic on 7th Avenue and 40th Street in Manhattan to a beggar singing near a cathedral in Krakow. Through photography I feel that I can look at a scene or an object, something that most people would disregard, and see beauty in it. My camera represents me in the same way. Some might have overlooked me at first, but once they take a second look, I can show them I have many things to offer. My camera is able to show me, and everyone else around me, the world from different points of view. For me, photography not only kindles our sense of sight, but moves our hearts as well, reminding us all the wonderful emotions of life.

The Singing Beggar

The Singing Beggar
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© Copyright. All rights are reserved.
Please do not use, copy or edit any of my photographs without my written permission.

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This man was AMAZING. Ok listen me and my mom are walking down the streets in Krakow Poland and we hear a women’s voice, beautiful we come up and hear a man and we spot him, my mom goes “aw to bad the women left” then the guy changes his position and starts singing as the woman. Truly something you dont see every day.

By Tomasz Wasik TLW Photography

The Wires

The Wires The wire ever so intimidating. It seems to extend forever. The houses look nice on the outside yet they have so much misery in them and they seem so cold and hollow they just suck all the joy out of you. You want to run and you touch the wire. It almost seems like the wire is still running with electricty. I lay my hand on the wire and it still pierces my skin after all of those years. It melts me inside and just deplets me into a state that i am so sad. Auschwitz is a frightening place… View On Black

By Tomasz Wasik TLW Photography