Gentrification Reading Response

What these readings afforded me was a concrete understanding of the processes and systems behind gentrification. Paradigms whose purposefulness I was more or less ignorant too, and having been educated as to their realities I am more or less shocked by how simultaneously devious and pragmatic an institution it is from an industry standpoint. It was also extremely interesting to see the birth of gentrification culture and the values for which pioneer gentrifiers stood, which to me seemed ironic given that the resultsĀ of the gentrification they brought about were often times the exact opposite of these values. The reading regarding the complex nature of gentrification borders and it’s spread confirmed many of my own suspicions regarding the nature of gentrification, as it is only logical that something as complex as a neighborhoods make up, given all the social, political, and economic factors, would not change in an even and consistent manner.

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