Income Inequality Discussion-Just in Time for Hillary Clinton 2016

Luckily for us, we are starting the topic of income inequality in the very same week that Hillary Clinton announced her 2016 presidential campaign!  Much of her economic policies address the issues discussed in this week’s readings. Their main focus was that much of the power resides with the wealthy 1%. This minority controls society, politics, infrastructure, and public space because of the amount of money they acquire each year. Unfortunately, government policy is either helping to widen the gap or doing nothing to decrease the gap. The article “Oxfam Study Finds Richest 1% Is Likely to Control Half of Global Wealth by 2016,” says that since 2010 the wealth of the poorest half of the world is decreasing while the wealth of the rich 1% is increasing.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign seems to address all of these issues. She mentions that the odds are stacked in favor of the rich and that middle class families need help. She wants to stop the tax cuts for those making over $250,000 so that more money can go into health care and infrastructure. Improving infrastructure for the poorer classes, puts public space back  into the hands of the public. I certainly am ready for Hillary.

Question: If the richest classes control politics, will this be a difficult race for Hillary to win?Source for Hillary Clinton’s policies:

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