Income Inequality

Income inequality is a huge problem in America. Part of the reason why it has become such a huge problem is because money is power. Those few very wealthy, though a small percentage of Americans, are not willing to give up their money or their power for the sake of the common good. And paradoxically, they have the wealth and power to be able to not give up their wealth power.

I approach this topic with a pessimistic view. Occupy Wall Street was a largely unsuccessful movement because it the root of the problem is our entire economic system, wherein the collection of wealth is the ultimate goal. Though admirable, social and political protests can do little to tackle this dilemma that we have created for ourselves.

What we need is political action, reverse Reganomics. Tax the wealthy and increase the middle, working, and lower classes. Rather than protests, our energy would be put to better use in campaigning and voting for those who could put real policy into action. I simply ask why so little has yet been done to address this current crisis.

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