Reading Response 10

I found this week’s readings particularly interesting since I have briefly learned about zero tolerance and broken windows concepts in my social psychology class. While these policies administer order they can be too strict and take away freedom. As a result, police officers become seen as a threat instead of as a source protection. While reading I found some of the stories unbelievable and shocking. It seems as though the more power one has, the more likely they are to abuse it. Furthermore, this reading reminded me of a personal instance of when I received a ticket for crossing from one subway cart to another. It was on the 5 train in Flatbush and I was simply in a rush. The officers ran my ID and saw that I had no felonies or any other offences but still chose to give me the ticket instead of a warning. Therefore, people committing “small crimes” are not necessarily criminals even though there are those rare cases. I agree that when the city looks better you feel better about it as well, but people shouldn’t always be punished for minuet crimes.

Question: At what point does the control become too much?

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