“Quality of Life” policing, derived from the broken window theory that Mayor De Blasio supports, is a tactic in which minor wrongdoings like public urination and loitering are more policed. “Quality of Life” policing is supposed to improve the quality of life of New Yorkers, but whose life does it really improve? This policy, along with the “zero tolerance” policy, which advocates zero tolerance with minor crimes that are seen as being an epidemic, are often applied unequally and discriminatorily. Police often apply these policies to immigrants, women, African Americans, the homeless and others at a disadvantage. The end result often times is arrest or even death, as was the case for Margaret Mitchell, for the suspect, who is often a minority. This was the case for Eric Gardener, an African American father, who died of a chokehold at the hands of broken window theory. Clearly, these policies improve the quality of life for certain not all, people
Question: Why is “Quality of Life” policing still being used despite its use of racial profiling?