Reading Response 4/21/15

Order maintaining policing, is a combination of zero tolerance and quality of life policing. This combined policing method drives police brutality, targeting of people of color, and an increase criminalization. It was introduced and implemented by Mayor Giuliani, and spread to other major cities. The quality of life allows officers to criminalize anyone whose conduct seems disorderly or unlawful. This allows officers to act on their biased, and criminalizing people because of race, gender, sexual orientation, and class.

Through order maintaining policies, the trust between the community and police department has turned into wariness. Instead of improving the quality of life in the community, the order maintaining policing has caused a division between the community and the police. Minorities that have been often targeting by the police have shown if a crime were to occur, they would not report it to the police even if they were the victims. Ironically, that the quality of life policing does not improve the quality of life, especially minorities.

Question: How did the vague laws that underlie the quality of life, even get approved?

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