Assignment for October 24:

Assignment for October 24:
• Research Pina Bausch and review post-modern choreographers Steve Paxton and Trisha Brown
• Blog A –discuss Pina Bausch in relationship to post-modern dance-Post by Sunday 12 pm
• Blog B-comment on Blog A’s postings-Post by Tuesday 12 am
• Finish reading John Steinbeck- The Grapes of Wrath for Builder’s Association’s-A House  and be prepared to discuss the book.
• Read Steve Dixon’s Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art and Installation (Chapter 6-pgs 122-134.) Re-read and review first part of Chapter 6 (previous reading 115-122) Concentrate on discussion of media with the unmediated figure in performance, Peggy Phelan versus Phillip Auslander.  (The PDF’s were given to you previously-downloaded straight from my thumb drive onto your computer)

October 24

Class Discussion of the two performances

Be prepared to discuss Steve Dixon discussion on “liveness”. What are the general opposing views of Peggy Phelan and Phillip Auslander in terms of mediatized and non-mediatized?

Discussion of media and performance

Discussion of Paper 2

Assignment for October 17th

Assignment for October 17:

  • Post your Snapshot Photo under Project Archive by Sunday, October 14th, 12 pm.
  • Prepare Caretaker Studies-study in stillness and space to be presented on October 17th at Cabaret Space at Macaulay Honors College
  • View Jerome Bel’s “Veronique Doisneau”!  Research Jerome Bel and be prepared to discuss his work in relation to contemporary dance.
  • Begin reading John Steinbeck- The Grapes of Wrath for Builder’s Association’s A House Divided

October 17-Meet at Macaulay Honors College – Cabaret Space-Bring Computers

  • View Caretaker Studies
  • Discussion of Jerome Bel and Pina Bausch.
  • Composition Exercise in Stillness, Space and “Ways of Seeing”
  • “Sharing your art as a gift”-Extending Studies to be given to the caretaker

PINA! DVD not available at Netflix. (They are still waiting for their shipment too.)

Hello ARt Explorers,

I talked with Netflix and they too are waiting for their shipment of the DVD PINA!

We will be attending Pina Bausch on October 19 and immediately following, you will be required to see choreographer Jerome Bel’s “The Show Must Go On” at MOMA (You choose between October 20 (Saturday) at 1 or 3 or October 21 (Sunday) at 1.

Jérôme Bel (French, b.1964) is a central figure in a group of contemporary European choreographers who have questioned the fundamental parameters of their own practice—and the practice of choreography in general. As a result, they have produced highly conceptual and critical works that expand the boundaries of what dance can be. At MoMA, Bel stages The Show Must Go On (2001), which, in many respects, serves as a response to Judson Dance Theatre and Steve Paxton, whose work is shown in the same week. (notes from MOMA)

While we are waiting for the PINA! dvd (from either Macaulay or Netflix), you will view Youtube segments of Jerome Bel’s piece that was commissioned by the Paris Opera Ballet. Normally a choreographer creates a dance for the company which they perform. Since this is the Paris Opera Ballet, the audiences expect to see a ballet, even though some of the ballets are modern ballets (such as the Hong Kong Ballet we saw for Fall for dance). But in the “Jerome Bel” style, this choreographer again challenged the parameters of dance. While watching the piece “Veronique Doisneau”, keep in mind that this was seen by a ballet audience that has certain expectations of what dance is. Since it was a ballet audience they are also quite very familiar with the classics, such as Swan Lake, Giselle, etc. Before viewing “Veronique Doisneau”, you will start with a clip of the Pas de Deux from Swan Lake danced by the students of the Canada’s National Ballet School. This clip is a student showcase, thus the dance technical aspects are not the most professional but this was the best clip for Jerome Bel’s piece for those who are not familiar with Swan Lake.

Assignment for October 10, 11 and 17

Assignment for October 10:

  • Blog B Go to website and look at André Kertész and two other photographers of your choice.  Choose one photo to analyze. (it’s possible to drag the image either to your desktop or straight into your post. In your discussion include why you chose the photo, what specific elements drew you to the photograph and why you believe it is compositionally strong?  Explain how do you plan on framing your shots in relation to the lecture by Professor Grimaldi?  Post by Sunday 10/6 12 pm.
  • Blog A:  Go to website and look at André Kertész and two other photographers of your choice.   Comment on one of Blog B’s posting in relation to the photo you chose (it’s possible to drag the image either to your desktop or straight into your post.   On the post page there is an upload/insert option.  After the photograph is uploaded there is an option at the bottom to insert into post).    Discuss how you plan on framing your shots? Post by Tuesday 10/9 12 am.
  • Join Netflix (it is free for the first month) and order dvd PINA!

October 10- Hunter Closed – No Class But Snapshot Day is October 11

 October 11 – Take Photograph for Macaulay Honors College Snapshot Day (Review notes from Photography Lecture)

Post Photo on class website (There will be a separate tab to post photos)


Post your photos.  Write about what interested you in taking the photo and what elements did you keep in mind while taking the photograph?

Choose a photo of a fellow classmate to discuss in a “Smarthistory fashion” and find a partner with whom you will discuss the photo.


Assignment for October 17: 

  • Prepare Caretaker Studies-study in stillness and space to be presented on October 17th at Cabaret Space at Macaulay Honors College
  • View DVD Wim Wender’s Pina! Be prepared to discuss Pina Bausch in relation to post-modern dance?  What are the differences in artistic intention between Pina Bausch and the choreographers we viewed in Beyond the Mainstream?  At the same time, are there similarities in terms of intention?
  • Begin reading John Steinbeck- The Grapes of Wrath for Builder’s Association’s A House Divided

October 17-Meet at Macaulay Honors College – Cabaret Space-Bring Computers

View Caretaker Studies

Discussion of  Pina Bausch in relation to post-modern dance?  What are the differences in artistic intention between Pina Bausch and the choreographers we viewed in Beyond the Mainstream?  At the same time, are there similarities in terms of intention?

Composition Exercise in Stillness, Space and “Ways of Seeing”

“Sharing your art as a gift”-Extending Studies to be given to the caretaker

Assignment for October 3

Blog and Assignment for October 3:

Both Blog A & B (you will not comment on each other’s review)-Review Oliver’s Writing about Dance and Deborah Jowitt’s Handout and critique Roseanne Spradlin Post by Monday, October 1 12 pm.

Go to following website and read Rule of Thirds, Asymmetry and Dynamic Balance

Go to following website and read Golden Thirds

Read the photography reading (e-mailed to all, if you did not receive it please e-mail me as many of the e-mails are coming back to me as undeliverable)

Paper 1 Due October 3

Remaining Panel Presentations-Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art

October 3 – Roosevelt House – Bring Computers!

Remaining Panel Discussions Presentations-Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art-Please note:  no more than 15 minutes for the “complete” Presentation  (Whether you are a two person or three person panel, the culmination of your discussion should not exceed 15 minutes total.)

Discussion of Roseanne Spradlin’s performance and Fall for Dance.

Guest Speaker Michael Grimaldi-Photography

Discussion of upcoming Caretaker Studies-A study in stillness and space

Wednesday, October 17 – CABARET SPACE at Macaulay (Bring Computers)

The Tender Touch, Bilinski  1915  André Kertész

Dear Art Explorers,

Though we are not meeting next week (October 10), there is an assignment.  Please view Next Week’s Assignments tab.  You will post your October 11th “Snapshot” on the class website first. Please look under Project Archive and scroll down to Snapshot Day.  Read instructions for post on Macaulay website.  Post your photograph for the classunder Project Archive-Snapshot Day.

I will  you let you know when the sign-up sheet for individual meetings is posted.

Important:  the following people must contact Jessica about properly posting your video:

PS: From Jessica: I posted new instructions, look through these and try once more before contacting me for help.


Exciting events to come!

Great panel presentations!  Excited to view the panels on  Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art (including Robert Rauschenberg) on October 3!

The next time we meet will be Friday, September 28 at 9:30 pm in the lobby of New York Live Arts – 219 W. 19th street between 7th and 8th Avenues.  Performance begins at 10 pm.  In addition to the assignments for this week, even though we are not meeting on September 26, there is a pre-performance assignment focused on Roseanne Spradlin.  Please check under the tab “Next Week’s Assignment.”  If you have questions, let me know.

And may I add,  author Henry Miller used to say, “Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood,” so for this class, please do not stress in a state of confusion.  If you have a question, please feel free to e-mail me.  

The syllabus has been updated (9/20/12) with the new changes if you need.

donna uchizono

Next Week’s Assignment for September 27 and October 3

Assignment for September 26 (no class):

On Wednesday, September 19, we viewed choreographer Steve Paxton, the founder of “contact improvisation” demonstrating aspects of the practice and two small excerpts from choreographer Trisha Brown.  1) “Glacial Decoy” (with sets and costumes by Robert Rauschenberg) and 2) “solo olos”-(one dancer calling out directions to the other three dancers).  The video we viewed is not available on Youtube.  If you need a refresher, there are some contact improvisation videos on Youtube, though they are not with Steve Paxton and not as strong.  One is a video of KJ Holmes teaching a contact class  There is a version of Glacial Decoy on Youtube  Unfortunately there is not a video of solo olos on Youtube.

  • Blog B -From the Sally Banes reading last week, describe in your own words what is “Analytic Post-Modern dance” and either Steve Paxton or Trisha Brown’s relationship to that movement.  Post under the Blog A/B tab by Sunday 12 pm (9/23).
  • Blog A- While adding your description of Analytic Post-Modern dance, discuss if the other choreographer that Blog B did not mention,  is considered an Analytic Post-Modern artist.  Why or why not?  For example, if you are commenting on Blog B who talks about Steve Paxton in relationship to Analytic Post-Modern, you will discuss Trisha Brown.  Post under the Blog A/B tab by Tuesday, 12 am (9/25)
  • Start to work on Paper 1 – Due October 1
  • Once you have a thesis topic, you are invited to contact Jessica for feedback on topic.

We do not have class on Wednesday, September 26 but you still have assignments for that week-please check assignments (scroll down to Pre-Performance assignment and Assignment for October 3)

September 26-Hunter Closed-No Class

Pre-Performance Assignment:  We will see Roseanne Spradlin on Friday September 28.  She practices Body Mind Centering (BMC) though it may not be readily apparent in her work. Read about BMC at and view a discussion by Spradlin about her work.  Though she is not discussing the dance we will see on Friday  will give you some insight into her work.  Please view before the performance on September 28

Please be reminded that we will meet on Friday, September 28 to see Roseann Spradlin at New York Live Arts and on Sunday Sept 30 for Fall for Dance (see details below for location and time).

 Friday, September 28-Meet at 9:30 pm in lobby-Performance starts at 10

Roseann Spradlin-New York Live Arts

219 W. 19th St (between 7th and 8th Avenue)

 Sunday, Sept 30 at City Center for Fall for Dance Meet at 6:30 – Performance starts at 7:00 Pam Tanowitz, Twyla Tharp, Peter Quanz, Martha Graham

Lobby of City Center West 55th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues.

Blog and Assignment for October 3:

  • Both Blog A & B (you will not comment on each other’s review)-Review Oliver’s Writing about Dance and Deborah Jowitt’s Handout and critique Roseann Spradlin Post by Monday, October 1 12 pm.
  • Read Photography Handout (ER)
  • Paper 1 Due October 3