My Self Portrait

Self Portrait

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One Response to My Self Portrait

  1. Stanley Chen says:

    The self portrait assignment was one of the most unique and interesting projects I’ve done. It opened up a window into my classmates’ lives while giving us a creative outlet that matches the art theme of the Macaulay Honors program. After performing my self portrait, and subsequently filming Yasmin’s, I now understand how it feels to be the performer and the audience.

    Yasmin’s self portrait combined her interests in a very unique way. It involved her stringing the sentence “I AM A DREAMER” while dancing and posting up pictures about psychology and dancing. It was really fun to watch. She created a very carefree and bright atmosphere with light steps and happy disposition. I liked the juxtaposition of the simplicity of the appearance coupled with the depth of meaning and the amount of practice that she had to have put into her dancing. Her performance really conveyed a message of mystery as she was posting up her sentence. We really didn’t what she “was” until she finished the last word.
    My performance, although before hers, really cleared up after I filmed hers. I knew everything that I wanted to show, but I didn’t exactly understand it completely. During my performance, I just knew what activities I wanted to show. However, I didn’t understand how the little things that you do in your performances mean something, whether they are intentional or accidental. The nuances in Yasmin’s steps made me notice the overall idea of uncertainty combined with passion. It made me enjoy both of our performances much more.

    I really had fun watching everyone’s self portraits. It was really fun peeking into a part of everyone’s lives and personalities. After performing my own, I really started to think about performing and watching and the intricate relationship between them.

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