Winnie’s Self Portrait

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One Response to Winnie’s Self Portrait

  1. jillianrodesk says:

    The Self-Portrait project we did was definitely a memorable one. I don’t think any of us have ever done something remotely close to this and for that reason we all were out of our element. Personally, I believe that our greatest work can come from a mixture of nerves and excitement.

    In Winnie’s self portrait, she played more on the visual aspect. We watched her for almost 10 minutes intricately drawing, cutting, and hanging up pictures and words on the wall behind her. This gave us a feeling of anticipation because we didn’t know what was to come when it was flat on the table. Anticipation in performance art is a good way to keep your audience involved and paying attention. In my self-portrait, I too was privately writing on the table leaving my peers expecting something. As opposed to Winnie, who hung up what she drew for everyone to see, I handed out something to each person in the room for them to see alone.

    What I liked about Winnie’s self-portrait was that we learned many things about her, and in mine there was only one thing about myself being exposed. Winnie first showed us what was “inside” of her; she wrote things like “thoughts” and “secrets”. She followed this by showing us physical things that make her happy like “sushi” and “sister”. At the end of her performance we knew Winnie on a deeper level because we knew everything in her heart – which she portrayed by handing out little origami hearts to everyone.

    Winnie’s performance was very personal because of the way it seemed as if she was working at a desk in her bedroom and hanging up things she liked on her bedroom walls. My self-portrait was personal because every card had individualized positive quotes such as “Begin each day with a grateful heart” and “You are beautiful”. In this way, I shared with the class my love and enjoyment of making everyone I meet smile. This important aspect about my personality was the one thing I chose to share with the class, opposite of how Winnie shared many.

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