Daily Archives: September 24, 2013

Dance Review Analysis

http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/21/arts/dance/liz-gerring-dance-offers-mirrorlike-illusions-in-glacier.html?pagewanted=all Just like how the Berger and Barnet readings helped us to “see art”, the Wendy Oliver readings taught us how to write good dance critiques.  Chapter 4 first introduces a critique as a “thoughtful discussion and analysis”.  On a … Continue reading

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Dance Review Analysis

Brian Seibert’s review of several of Alvin Ailey’s dance performances under the guidance of multiple directors focuses on the impact the directors and dancers have on the feel of the performances. Seibert’s review mainly focuses on what Robert Battle’s artistic … Continue reading

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Dance Review Analysis

Gia Kourlas’ dance review “Total Recall: Reconstructing Memory, for Better or Worse” was one that reflected the general guidelines in Wendy Oliver’s chapter on Dance Critiques while also showcasing a sense of personal expression through the review itself. The review  … Continue reading

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Review: Oozing Sludge, Gregor, Is Never a Good Sign

“Oozing Sludge, Gregor, Is Never a Good Sign” is Gia Kourlas’s review of the Arthur Pita’s dance-theatre adaptation of Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”, which is being performed at the Joyce Theatre. Kourlas begins her article with a descriptive lead, peaking … Continue reading

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Sucas dance review analysis

Before writing about the dance review I chose, I’d like to say that Wendy Oliver’s Writing about Dance really helped me understand the process of analyzing a dance performance and writing about it in a paper. Before reading this, I … Continue reading

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Charged Interactions in an Abstract Universe

Wendy Oliver places heavy emphasis upon the four cornerstones of the Feldman model of dance criticism–description, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation. Although the merits of such a model are clear, particularly for students who have little-to-no experience critiquing dance, the model … Continue reading

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