Assignment for the week of September 30

Remember to e-mail individual artists on Monday, September 30.  cc Donna on all correspondences.

Assignment for October 3:

Read:  Sally Banes-Terpsichore in Sneakers– Read Banes Chapter 1 first (pges1-19) and continue with Banes-Introduction second  (pgs xiii-xxxvii,)

On Thursday, September 26, we viewed choreographer Steve Paxton, the founder of “contact improvisation” demonstrating aspects of the practice and two small excerpts from choreographer Trisha Brown.  1) “Glacial Decoy” (with sets and costumes by Robert Rauschenberg) and 2) “solo olos”-(one dancer calling out directions to the other three dancers).  The video we viewed is not available on YouTube.  If you need a refresher, there are some contact improvisation videos on YouTube, though they are not with Steve Paxton and not as strong.  One is a video of KJ Holmes teaching a contact class

There is a version of Glacial Decoy on YouTube

Unfortunately there is not a video of solo olos on YouTube.

  • Blog B -From the Sally Banes reading last week, describe in your own words what is “Analytic Post-Modern dance” and either Steve Paxton or Trisha Brown’s relationship to that movement.  Post under the Blog A/B tab by Sunday 12 pm (9/30).
  • Blog A- While adding your description of Analytic Post-Modern dance, discuss how the other choreographer that Blog B did not mention, can be considered an Analytic Post-Modern artist.  For example, if you are commenting on Blog B who talks about Steve Paxton in relationship to Analytic Post-Modern, you will discuss Trisha Brown.  Post under the Blog A/B tab by Tuesday, 12 am (10/2)
  • Review Wendy Oliver’s readings from last week.  You will be writing about John Jasperse’s rehearsal.
  • Paper 1 – Due Thursday, October 3

October 3- Hard copy of Paper 1 is due at the beginning of class.  (late papers will not be accepted)

We will visit John Jasperse’s dance rehearsal and you will write a dance analysis-please review Wendy Oliver’s readings.

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