Let me start off by saying that, when it comes to more abstract forms of art, the meaning is more often than not lost upon me. That being said, the dance segment of the evening felt rather abstract in its way of conveying the overview effect. Had I not been given a program with a little blurb about the performance and its theme, I would have been staring at the two performers who danced their hearts out for fifty minutes somewhat more confused than I already was. It simply flew over my head and, to be honest, some of the more unusual facets of the performance served only to confuse me more. (The beach balls and the guttural screaming? It’s been two days and I’m still trying to wrap my head around the significance of them.)
This is not to say that it was not an impressive performance; the two dancers were clearly putting their all into this and it was quite amazing to watch them perform. The way that Julian and Jocelyn were able to shift their energy in a moments notice was astounding. From bounding energy, leaping and contorting through the space, to a sudden stop, the stillness of which permeated through the air- it was incredible. The sheer passion that they obviously holdĀ for this piece was almost infectious.
As I had said, had I not known the premise before sitting down and watching the Julian and Jocelyn perform, I would have been baffled beyond comprehension as to what they were trying to say. The thing about art, though, is that it is still available for anyone to appreciate it, regardless of whether or not they possess the level of understanding of what it is trying to say. Now, if it is the same amount of appreciation is debatable, but it can still be enjoyed nonetheless.