The two works I have chosen to analyze for my first paper are Pablo Picasso’s Flowers and Vincent Van Gogh’s Irises. The reason I chose these works and they intrigue me so much as a pair to analyze in this compare and contrast fashion is the fact that they share so many similarities, yet are so different. Van Gogh created Irises in 1889 in southern France, Picasso created Flowers in 1901 in Paris. Both works focus on a small bunch of flowers and share a similar vibrance and depth in color palette. Despite these extensive similarities the works are inherently unique. What happened in the 12 years and few hundred miles between these two artists that led to paintings that are so alike and yet so different? Did the culture of their respective areas influence them? Was it the painters they surrounded themselves with? Or is it possible that Van Goghs impressionism influenced Picasso to reinvent the quintessential painting of flora and fauna in his own style? These questions are ones that I hope to answer in my paper and are the reason that these paintings have entreated me to make them the focus of our first in depth art case study.
Picasso's Flowers
Van Gogh Irises