Brassai (Gyula Halasz)
Prostitute at angle of Rue de la Reynie and Rue Quincampoix
From “Paris by Night”
I chose this photograph because it can portray many emotions to the viewer, especially if the title was not provided. Without the title, the picture can produce a serene environment, in which a woman is traveling at night. It has a wintery feel for me, mostly because of the coat and beret. The woman looks as if she might have just gone for a walk. The insight that the title gives us, however, gives her identity way. To me, the photograph becomes more somber, as this is now a woman who isn’t simply going for a walk or waiting for a cab. She is now a woman who has no choice other than to sell her body in order to make ends meet. It is also intriguing how the photographer gave the address of the streets, and makes it seem as if the woman is there eternally, her real struggle barely being shown in a photograph.
The picture strictly adheres to the Golden Ratio, therefore the woman is not centered perfectly. The woman lies on the right third line of the photograph which provides for a more dynamic setting, as per the readings. The photographer gave enough room for the woman to “move” through the picture instead of enclosing her and making the picture appear still. The one issue with the placement that the photographer chose is that the sidewalk of the opposite street appears to cut through her body.
I plan on taking my snapshot with a new way of seeing pictures, now that I have learned a few things about the aesthetic positioning of offsetting images. I generally just take a picture and don’t really put into perspective any of these ideas. I didn’t realize how many aspects can truly affect the way that a picture looks, and a poor positioning can waste a great opportunity for a photo.
Glenn Collaku
Photography is a world of emotions and feelings. Take softball as an example. Each shot captures exciting games, incredible hits and important victories. These images become a kind of witness to the exciting life on sports grounds. The beauty of photographs lies in their ability to transport emotions through time and reveal feelings that may be difficult to express in words.
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