The one from whom the original thought stems from is a vital part of art. These are the people who set these works of art into motion. Without the composer or choreographer or painter there would be no music or dance or painting. To render them replaceable is to render creation as being useless to the entire artistic process. I believe the intent of these original artists does, in a way, trump any interpretation the public might have of that art. Much of what we believe to be unique and insightful interpretations of art seems to just be the product of outsiders trying to piece together coincidental details in an attempt to propagate outlandish assertions about the artwork. I do however appreciate interpretations that respect the intent of the artist and are simply a new take on old ideas, which reapply the art to the individual. While I do believe the original artist is the most essential, the artists that adapt and innovate those ideas are also part of the artistic process. They help viewers also intake and renovate those artistic ideas. Therefore I believe that Childe Hassam’s painting and our photographs of the areas he painted were both works of art.

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One Response to

  1. oweinroth says:

    Chaim Potok is an author not a painter, and you will benefit from redoing your post.

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