9/15 Assignment, Who is the artist?

I don’t know whether or not I view Music as a form of language. I say this because if I were to say yes, people can disprove it by saying there are some things we cannot communicate in music, as Dan said. On the other hand you can express things through music, sometimes there is no intent to express some of the things the listener interprets, and sometimes there is. I would lean toward the idea that music isn’t a language because there are certain things you wouldn’t communicate through music; it’s more like a form of expression. The composer, or music writer can have an idea of what they want their music to express, and yet the listener can perceive the music as something completely different. Music, is an art and evokes great emotion, and makes us think, and on some level we understand music. However I wouldn’t say it is a typical language. Comparing music to other ways we express ourselves and communicate, like body or sign language is possible. However, it is easier to signal that you want the salt in those ways, but with music there are things you can’t communicate, unless you sing them out in the english (or any other) language.

The origin of any form of art sets the basis for whatever comes after, which includes the audience interpretation, or replication (like our photographs). So to ask who is the artist is a good question, but to question if the person who created, composed, or choreographed the art is an artist is pointless. This is because there is no question, they are definitely artists because they allow others to interpret it, and there wouldn’t be art without those who do those things listed. Granted there are those who compose and perform but I don’t believe that takes away calling a composer an artist, because although we can’t hear the music off a page, they can. They know the potential, same with a choreographer. The ones who perform, and recapture the art give it the emotion and therefore are artists also. There isn’t a set rule on who can be considered an artist; same way there isn’t a set rule on what is art, and that’s why I believe my response is valid. Whatever a person composes, captures, choreographs, produces, presents, or expresses is art, and that makes them an artist.

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